A Time of Giving

St. James in-the-City | LOS ANGELES

This Sunday: The Feast of Martin Luther King, Jr. Pastor and Martyr

A Time of Giving

This week, the St. James School Parent Association provided food, drinks, and community support at Saint Mark’s’ first all school gathering since the catastrophic fires destroyed their elementary school.

You can continue to contribute to the One Body, One Spirit campaign where funds go directly to those in need.

Meet Felicia V. Gaddis

When a person begins to feel they may be called to become a priest, deacon, or highly committed lay leader, they go through a “discernment year” in their home parish, exploring their “call” with a special committee set up to accompany them. Then, if that committee sends them forward, the Diocese assigns them to a second church, where they can continue to explore what God is calling them to do. During this second year they try out new roles and responsibilities, including preaching. And a new committee of people is set up to accompany them, meeting together once a month to help understand their call.

We are delighted to have Felicia V. Gaddis with us for this second year of discernment, away from her home church. Felicia comes to us from St. John’s Cathedral where she served as an acolyte and president of Daughters of the King. She arrived here St. James in December 2024 to start her Diocesan Discernment Year and will be with us through August 2025.

Currently, Felicia is an Alhambra-based art teacher, writer, and multi-media artist. She is the creator of both the Ikthos blog and Podcast and her work has been shown at Tag Gallery in Los Angeles, CA.

Please introduce yourself to Felicia and offer her a warm St James welcome!

What is the Episcopal Church?

Are you new to the Episcopal Church and interested in its history, beliefs, and structure? If so, please join us for a six-part online course continuing Tuesdays at 6:30 PM. To join these discussions, please email Father Jon at jfeuss@stjla.org.

Vestry News and St. James Annual Meeting

Please mark your calendars for our Annual Meeting, scheduled for immediately following the 10:30 service on Sunday, January 26th. As per our bylaws, the Vestry Nominating Committee (made up of Vestry members and other representatives from the congregation) has put forward a slate of individuals who have been recommended for the Vestry. The five-name slate is as follows:

Gloria Ugwu
Martin Nwogu
Michael Mullins
Jeff McManus
Lynn McCarthy

In addition, we are looking for four delegates to Diocesan Convention. We already have two nominees:

John Thies
Marsha Vargas

Please let us know if you would like to run for one of these four seats as well.

Email Senior Warden Ken Robbins at Ken.Robbins@raymondjames.com if you have a nomination to make.

We look forward to seeing you for this year’s Annual Meeting!

Stewardship Update

Your commitment to what you will be able to give in 2025 here at St. James is so important. With your pledge, you are helping to support God’s work in this beloved community. So far, we have received 176 pledges for a total of $882,949. The goal we need to reach is $993,224. If you have not yet pledged, please consider pledging today by using the button below.

Go Bag

The Rev. Dr. Kate Cress

Even More Episcopal News

Have you ever thought to yourself, “I love hearing about everything that’s going on at St. James’, but how do I learn about everything that’s going on throughout the diocese?” If so, your prayers have been answered. Click below to subscribe to the Diocesan newsletter.

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St. James in-the-City | Los Angeles

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