
St. James in-the-City | Los Angeles

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Pancake Breakfast / The Feast of Absalom Jones

St. James in-the-City | LOS Pancake Breakfast This Sunday, we will enjoy Troop 10’s annual fundraising pancake breakfast after the 8AM service and before and after the 10:30 service. Come early and join the Scouts in the Scout room for this fun occasion. The proceeds go to purchase camping gear for the outdoor program. The menu includes plain and chocolate chip pancakes, sausages, orange juice and coffee. The recommend donation is $8 per person. During the 10:30AM service,...

St. James in-the-City | LOS Election Results from Annual Meeting Last Sunday, we enjoyed a lively and interesting Annual Meeting, which included three elections: vestry members, delegates to convention, and statues for the front of Saint James Church. Here are your exciting election results: New Vestry Members Gloria OgwuLynn McCarthyMartin NwoguMike Mullins Vestry Delegates to Convention Ken Robbins (vestry rep)Marsha VargasVincent AgoeGeorge MarksJohn Thies (alternate)...

St. James in-the-City | LOS This Sunday we will be voting on ideas for statues for the front of the church. To help you start to think about your own votes, here is a review of the statues which already exist at St. James, as well as the saints and other historical figures appearing in our stained glass windows. Just because a certain individual is already depicted, doesn't mean they can't appear as a statue out front as well. It's just something to consider. We have 4 empty...

St. James in-the-City | LOS This Sunday: The Feast of Martin Luther King, Jr. Pastor and Martyr A Time of Giving This week, the St. James School Parent Association provided food, drinks, and community support at Saint Mark’s’ first all school gathering since the catastrophic fires destroyed their elementary school. You can continue to contribute to the One Body, One Spirit campaign where funds go directly to those in need. Donate Meet Felicia V. Gaddis When a person begins to...

St. James in-the-City | LOS Watch Video Dear Friends,What a wrenching, heartbreaking week this has been, as we have witnessed the devastation and suffering brought on by the fires throughout our region. We are including in today’s newsletter a prayer for all those affected by the fires in Los Angeles right now. This Sunday at church, 100% of our plate collection will go to Episcopal churches and schools here in our diocese affected by the fire, through our One Body, One...

St. James in-the-City | LOS What is the Episcopal Church? Are you new to the Episcopal Church and interested in its history, beliefs, and structure? If so, please join us for a six-part online course starting Tuesday, January 14 at 6:30 PM. To join these discussions, please email Father Jon at [email protected]. Vestry News and St. James Annual Meeting Please mark your calendars for our Annual Meeting, scheduled for immediately following the 10:30 service on Sunday, January...

St. James in-the-City | LOS Christmas Services at St. James Christmas EveDecember 24 4:00pm Family Christmas Service7:00pm Holy Eucharist with The Choir of St. James9:00pm Holy Eucharist with The Choir of St. James Christmas DayDecember 2510:30am Gregorian Chant and Holy Eucharist12:30pm Korean Language Holy Eucharist Vestry News and St. James Annual Meeting Please mark your calendars for our Annual Meeting, scheduled for immediately following the 10:30 service on Sunday,...

Merry Christmas from St. James! Watch Video 3903 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90010Unsubscribe · Preferences

St. James in-the-City | LOS Madonna and child icon here at St. James Reflections on Mary This Wednesday night, December 18, we will have our third and final session about Mary, the subject of our Advent study this year. We will be talking about the many ways that she is seen today: prophet, matriarch, theologian, disciple, friend and so much more. Feel free to join us this Wednesday night, even if for the first time. We begin at 7 PM. Looking forward to seeing you. Join Zoom...

St. James in-the-City | LOS Reflections on Mary I am so excited for you to join me for a three-session class on Mary. In the first hour (Wed, Dec. 4) we will look at the places Mary appears in the New Testament. Then (on Dec. 11) we will trace how Mary’s role took shape in Catholicism and later the Protestant denominations as well, with a special focus on our own Episcopal tradition. Finally, (on Dec. 18) we’ll explore the powerful range of what Mary can mean for us today. If...